New from Small Arms Survey databases: 2021 Transparency Barometer and 2021 UEMS update
2021 Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer
GENEVA—The 2021 edition of the Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer—which scores the transparency of top and major exporters’ reporting on authorized small arms trade activities carried out in 2018—finds Switzerland to be the most transparent small arms exporter. Countries scored an average of 12.61 points out of a maximum of 25, which is a slight increase of last year’s score (12.36). The most transparent countries are, in descending order: Switzerland (21.75 points), the Netherlands (21.00), Germany (20.25), Serbia (19.75), and the United Kingdom (19.50). Meanwhile, North Korea (0.00 points), Iran (0.00), Saudi Arabia (0.50), and Israel (3.00) remain the least transparent countries in terms of arms trade activities.
• More in the 2021 Small Arms Trade Transparency Barometer
• Check out also our interactive map for an overview of each country’s scores
• For more on the global authorized small arms trade, visit our resource library
2021 update of the unplanned explosions at munitions sites (UEMS) database
GENEVA—636 incidents of unplanned explosions at munitions sites (UEMS) took place between 1979 and December 2021, resulting in 30,883 casualties (deaths and injuries), reveals the newest update of the Small Arms Survey UEMS database. The database tracks the frequency and destructive impact of UEMS incidents—defined as the accidental explosion of abandoned, damaged, improperly stored, or properly stored stockpiles of ammunition and explosives at munitions sites. A single UEMS incident can result in dozens of casualties and millions of dollars' worth of clean-up costs and damage to nearby buildings, infrastructure, and homes.
• More in our ‘Quick facts on unplanned explosions at munitions sites (UEMS)’ infographic
• See also the full database and interactive map
• For other resources on UEMS, visit our resource library